marți, 10 mai 2011

It's Easy

It's easy to say "Good-Bye !".
It's easy to make you cry.
It's easy to make me fly.
It's easy to tell a lie.
It's easy to eat a well-made pie.
It's easy to leave and after say "Why ?".
It's easy a man to buy.

It's hard to say to that special person "I Love You !".
It's hard to wipe a tear, who slides on your cheek.
It's hard to break the wing of an angel.
It's hard to say form the bottom of your soul the truth.
It's hard to share what you have with others.
It's hard to love a single person forever.
It's hard to have a friend for the whole life.

The beautiful part of the life
Is to end it with a wife.
Don't kill youself with a knife,
So you can live a wild-life.

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