joi, 25 august 2011


    Here I am. Finding my old hobby. I'm writing only to heal the pain in my soul. This is not a poem. Is something that I've written before. You don't remember it, right ? That one was about death. This one is about life. Life. This is such an amazing word. It represents all that a person can do by living. This was stupid. I don't know what to write anymore. Maybe I've lost my skill. I don't know what's going on ... I remember that I use to wrrte when I was sad. Only sadness gives me inspiration ?! I don't know if it's true ... but if it's that way, then somebody MAKE ME SAD !! But I don't wanna be sad. I got so many reasons to be happy. I got so many good friends around me. People who care about me. Or they ?! They care about me ? Why, with everything I say, I get  suspicious ? In order to be a hero I need to be sad ? In order to be a hero I don't have the right to have friends?
But I don't wanna be like the main character from "Romanul Adolescentului Miop", written by Mircea Eliade. I don't wanna be like that. I wanna have friends. I wanna love. Or I ?

joi, 7 iulie 2011

joi, 30 iunie 2011

Fallen Angel

I see her,
Is up there,
But what the hell ?
She's falling.
It seems like nobody can catch her.
With every second that passes,
She is with one more step to death.
Something weird is happening.
From her wings,
Blood gets out like a river.
Is this normal ?
Is she a betrayer ?
I want to save her.
But i'm stucked here.
In this stinky cage.
She screams.
"Forgive me Lord !".
Why did she wants that ?
So, she is a betrayer.
But why did she betrayed ?
They are different.
Different from us.
We are guilty,
And we commit sins.
50,000 tears are floating,
Above her.
She died.
It seems like The Lord didn't forgived her.
But what did she do ?
This will remain a mistery for me.

miercuri, 29 iunie 2011


I'm ugly and nobody wants me,
I think I'd better go to hell.
But i am no longer free.
I don't have anymore the strength to ring the bell.

They are scared by my ugliness,
I feel that I'm not wanted anymore,
This puts me in a total sadness,
Because they've expected at so much more.

Anyone can see the way they reject us,
They treat us like some bags with trash.
I want to kick them hard in the ass,
From their bottoms to see how it's coming out the ash.

But I know that in one day something will change
And we will be trully respected.
I don't need nothing in exchange.
The only thing I want is our love to be protected.

I want to touch your hand again.
Your warm lips are just a dream.
Your blue eyes are more beautiful than anything that exists in this world.
And your face is soft and angelic.

PS: I still love you !

vineri, 24 iunie 2011

Romeo and Juliet

I don't care what the others say,
I want you with me to stay.
Together, we will find our way,
Grab my hand and run away.

I don't need their advices.
They don't want us together.
I know that you're the one that gets me out of crisis,
I know our love will last forever.

So, please, don't listen their voice
You always have the right of choice
Don't make a thing that you'll regret
I think we're like Romeo and Juliet.

joi, 23 iunie 2011

The Universe of Love

The Universe it's full of  beautiful stars.
Of stars that have not any of what we call scars.
"Perfection" is the only word that defines them.
The only word that reveals their glamourous gem.

Between Sun and Moon, will always be Love.
So delicate. It must be handled with a glove.
So dangerous. It can make you completely mad.
So wanted. When you find it, you'll be so damn glad.

Sensible and simple. Just like the children's happiness.
Without love, you can fall in the bad feeling of loneliness.
So, what are you waiting for ? An angel will come soon.
Come here, where lovers spend their afternoon.

duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Indemn la Prietenie

    Un om si un caine mergeau pe un drum. Omul se bucura de frumusetea zilei, cand, deodata, isi dadu seama ca, de fapt, murise.  Isi aducea acum clar aminte ca murise, iar cainele, care mergea langa el, murise chiar cu mai multi ani in urma...Se intreba: " Oare unde duce drumul asta?"... 
    Dupa o vreme, ajunsera amandoi in dreptul unui gard inalt de piatra.Privindu-l mai indeaproape, vazu ca era facut dintr-o marmura foarte fina.Mai sus, pe colina, gardul era intrerupt de o arcada care stralucea in soare. Ajunsera acolo si vazu ca era incrustata cu perle, iar aleea care ducea spre ea parea pavata cu aur. El si cainele sau se apropiara de poarta si atunci observa, intr-o parte, un om sezand la un birou .  Il intreba: 
- Scuzati-ma, unde ne aflam ? 
- Aici e raiul - raspunse acesta. 
- Minunat, zise omul, pot sa va rog sa ne dati putina apa ?  
- Bine'nteles, intrati inauntru. Am sa trimit imediat vorba sa vi se aduca niste apa cu gheata. Facu un gest si poarta incepu sa se deschida.  
- Prietenul meu, poate intra si el ? - intreba calatorul aratind inspre caine.  
- Imi pare rau, dar noi nu acceptam animale.   
Omul se gandi o clipa, apoi se intoarse si isi continua calea pe care pornise,  
impreuna cu cainele sau. 
    Dupa inca o lunga plimbare, pe varful unei alte coline, pe un drum prapadit de tara, dadura de o ferma, a carei poarta parea ca nu avusese zavor niciodata. De gard, nici nu mai era vorba.  Se apropie si vazu un barbat sezand rezemat de un copac si citind o carte.
- Scuzati-ma ! - i se adresa el. Aveti cumva putina apa? 
- Da, desigur... e o cismea ceva mai incolo.  
- Si pentru prietenul meu ? - zise, aratand catre caine.  
- Trebuie sa fie si o strachina, chiar langa cismea.
    Trecura de poarta si ajunsera la o cismea veche, cu pompa.Omul si cainele baura pe saturate. Dupa ce terminara, se inapoiara la omul de sub copac.  
- Ce loc este acesta ? - intreba calatorul.   
- Acesta este raiul. 
- Sunt total incurcat. Un cetatean, ceva mai jos, pe drumul asta, mi-a zis ca raiul este acolo unde era el.  
- Te referi la locul acela cu alei de aur si zid de marmura ?... Acela e iadul.  
- Si nu va deranjeaza ca ei folosesc acelasi nume ca si dumneavoastra ?!...  
- Din contra, suntem fericiti ca ei ii triaza mai intai pe cei care sunt gata sa-si lase in urma prietenii cei mai buni.  Deci ... uneori ne miram de ce prietenii continua sa ne retransmita glume, fara a ne scrie un singur cuvant. Poate asta ar fi o explicatie:  Cand esti ocupat, dar vrei totusi sa mentii contactul cu prietenii, ce faci ? Retransmiti mesajele primite si glumele care le-ar putea aduce un zambet ! Nu ca nu as avea ce face, dar ma gandesc si la altii, de cate ori vad ceva frumos sau interesant.De asemenea, ca sa stii ca nu esti uitat, ca ti se mai acorda inca importanta, ca esti iubit, de ce crezi ca ai nevoie?  Un mesaj, sau o gluma, din partea prietenilor tai... 
    Ratiunea pentru care primesti aceasta poza este ca acesti caini miros cale de o posta o persoana buna! Asa ca, data viitoare, cand vei primi un mesaj sau o gluma, nu te gandi la ea doar ca la 
" inca o gluma retransmisa ", ci la faptul ca cineva s-a gandit la tine astazi  si ca prietenul tau, de la celalalt capat al retelei, a vrut sa-ti trimita un zambet !
      P.S. Textul nu-mi apartine si nici nu stiu al cui este, dar este un minunat indemn la ... prietenie.

sâmbătă, 11 iunie 2011

Innocent Love

Tot ce faci ma lasa rece
Si tot vad cum timpul trece.
Steaua noastra a apus,
Ne vedem acolo, sus.

Inca nu pot sa-mi explic
De ce nu mai am chef de nimic.
Era frumos. Nu mai este.
Nu era urat. Acum este.

Nu inteleg de ce-ai plecat
Dar sper sa nu ma fi uitat.
Eu nu voi uita niciodata
Cat de mult am tinut la acea fata.

Suntem copii si inca gresim.
Gresim cu totii cand iubim.
Iubirea inapoi noi vrem s-o primim.
Din stele noi sa rasarim.

luni, 6 iunie 2011

8D : Spirit, Mandrie, Curaj !

N-am fost noi cei mai cuminti.
N-am venit cu totii la sedintele cu parinti.
N-am fost noi cei mai silitori.
Insa nu putem spune ca am fost cei mai trisori.

Spiritul 8D va dainui. Forever.
Spiritul 8D nu ma muri. Never.
Spiritul 8D va rasuna mereu.
Spiritul 8D va fi raspnadit. Asta voi face si eu.

Mandrie si Curaj. Doua cuvinte nu prea complicate.
Mandrie si Curaj. Doua cuvinte ce nu pot fi uitate.
Curaj si Mandrie. Spiritul nu ne lipseste.
Curaj si Mandrie. Cand va vad, inima imi creste.

Aceasta poezie apartine celor din 8D.
Toti ce-au fost cu noi si eu plecat.
Toti ce la noi in "debara" s-au mutat.
8D inseamna numai petrecere.

Drogul 8D e mai puternic decat etnobotanicele.
Drogul 8D este mai dulce decat bomboanele.
Drogul 8D e mai rau ca o furtuna de Mai.
Drogul 8D te poate duce in Rai.

Doresc sa va multumesc tuturor.
Pentru ca mi-ati facut visul mai usor.
Va voi tine minte pe toti, sa stiti.
Am fost si vom fi pentru eternitate niste frati.

Doresc sa va multumesc pentru ca am petrecut acesti ani cu multa veselie. Certuri, Impacari, Glume, Vesti proaste si nu in ultimul rand, Iubiri Neimpartasite, toate acestea au creat atmosfera aka Febra 8D.
Va Multumesc inca odata ! Sa aveti o viata plina de bucurii fratii mei !! Sper sa ne mai intalnim !! Ar fi pacat sa trecem unul pe langa celalalt fara sa ne salutam.

Cu stima si respect, al vostru coleg, Vornicu Marius-Andrei.

sâmbătă, 28 mai 2011

Puppy Eyes

Puppy eyes ...
I know they don't tell lies.
Puppy eyes ...
They make me wanna fly.

Puppy eyes ...
They make me wanna touch the sky.
Puppy eyes ...
I know they're shy.

Her eyes are so gorgeous.
I feel like they want something.
I will like to give them anything.
Looking at them is contagious.

Brown and white.
So far but so tight.
So beautiful but untouchable.
So amazing but undesirable.

vineri, 13 mai 2011

Love is Real ?

Love is something that ain't real,
Love is something that you fell.
Love makes you feel like a butterfly.
Love never asks "Why ?".
Love, always come when you don't expect.
Love is something that can not be reject.
Love is like a fairytale.
Love will never be for sale.
Love will always have "that space"
Love, and you will feel the warm embrace.
Love is something that I need.
Love, for me, will be the "weed".
Love is like a sweety drug
Love was never been a thug.

If you don't love, you'll have no chance.
If you don't love, you'll never feel the dance.
If you don't love now,  you'll regret later.
If you don't love now, you'll become a hater.

miercuri, 11 mai 2011


Everyone has a dream,
Which floats with the moonbeam.
They are surrounded by the stars.
Forever together they are.

The dream is like a fresh breeze.
It doesn't make you freeze.
It gives you a whole new view.
It gives your life a brand new rue.

The dream starts from a single thought,
Like a lot of  fluff, in a punch caught.
The dream it's light and transitory,
Just like the taste of a strawberry.

We have to make them real as fast as we can,
Because, trust me, they can become a man.
The dreams are the result of the endless creativity,
But don't get to far from the sad reality.

marți, 10 mai 2011

It's Easy

It's easy to say "Good-Bye !".
It's easy to make you cry.
It's easy to make me fly.
It's easy to tell a lie.
It's easy to eat a well-made pie.
It's easy to leave and after say "Why ?".
It's easy a man to buy.

It's hard to say to that special person "I Love You !".
It's hard to wipe a tear, who slides on your cheek.
It's hard to break the wing of an angel.
It's hard to say form the bottom of your soul the truth.
It's hard to share what you have with others.
It's hard to love a single person forever.
It's hard to have a friend for the whole life.

The beautiful part of the life
Is to end it with a wife.
Don't kill youself with a knife,
So you can live a wild-life.

sâmbătă, 7 mai 2011

No Chance

I have no chance in this life 
To feel like I am living.
I have no chance in this life
To feel your heart beating.

Because you left a long time ago.
You left me with nothing,
Nothing than a fleeting perfume,
Which smells even now.

You've had no mercy for my soul.
You've had no mercy for my heart.
And now I have a single goal,
To reconstruct it part by part.

I write this poem especially for you
To know what you've done to me.
I hope the sky is still blue.
I hope to have two eyes to see you.

sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

My Sister

There is a woman there,
Which always seems to care.
She always hides an unseen tear.
I think she would like to eat a pear.

She is the one that I can tell
Everything that I've done well.
She always listens to my words.
She always like to watch the birds

For all of this I respect her
And I love her like a brother.
We always like to say good night
And say "Evertything will be allright".

luni, 25 aprilie 2011

Story 2 -Response

Story 2

"N-am chef de ora asta, cred ca o sa stau si o sa vorbesc cu Kate." -In mintea mea.
- Bine ati venit la scoala, o cafeluta ceva ?
”Profa asta , asa cum a zis ea, e idioata … si nici nu a trecut o ora de cand am vazut-o.”
- Da, chiar am fi bucurosi.
Toti incep sa zambeasca, iar Kate se uita putin mirata la mine.
- Luati loc, acolo, in ultima banca si acolo stati, dracilor!
"Ce bine ca nu m-a auzit! Dute dracu de vaca !" -In mintea mea.
- Sa revenim la lectie.Sistemul locomotor este ? Sa spuna cineva.
Ma rog, asa cum spuneam, nu am chef de ora, asa ca incep sa vorbesc cu Kate, in soapta desigur, tot felul de chestii. Nici nu am iesit bine din clasa, ca toate fetele mi-au iesit in cale si au inceput sa ma intrebe diferite chestii.
- Salut ! Cum te numesti? Ma intreaba ele in cor.
- Max, zic eu.
- De la ce scoala vii ?
- De la National. Daca va dau id'u meu, ma lasati in pace ?
- Desigur, nu vrem sa te superi pe noi
Dupa ce le-am dat id'u, am mers sa o caut pe Kate. Mi s-a parut ca a iesit afara.
- Hei Kate.
- Wow, cum ai reusit sa scapi de fete?!Nu pot sa cred.
Si incepe sa rada.
-Le-am zis sa ma lase in pace.
-De obicei nu reactioneaza daca le zici sa te lase.Bizaar, hai zi ce le-ai facut?
-Le-am dat id'u meu.
Se uita putin in jur, si apoi pleaca. Mi s-a parut ca era putin suparata. Ma intreb oare de ce. O vad ca se aseaza pe o banca, impreuna cu niste colegi. Ma indrept spre ea, cu pasi mici.

Sursa: Real life.

Story 1 - Response

Story 1

   Credeam ca o sa dureze mai mult vacanta asta, dar, uite-ma. E prima zi de la noua mea scoala. Sper ca ma voi intelege bine cu noii colegi. Vom vedea.

- Damn it ! Iar nu a sunat ceasul asta idiot. Offf !
   Ma ridic repede din pat si ma duc la baie. Cum nu am timp sa mananc, ma spal repede pe dinti si ma pieptan.
- Iar sta rau parul asta ! –In mintea mea.
   Ma imbrac cu hainele cele noi, imi iau adidasii, pun geanta pe umar si am plecat. Cobor scarile.
- Vai, nu, mi-am uitat biletele ! E incredibil, ma mir ca nu am uitat sa ma imbrac !
   Imi iau biletele de pe masuta si cobor scarile in fuga. Alerg spre statia de autobuz. Deoarece am plecat in graba de acasa, am uitat sa-mi leg sireturile. M-am oprit sa le leg si, in timp ce stateam jos, am vazut o fat ace strangea ceva de pe jos. Ma apropii sa vad mai bine. Isi scapase cartile si m-am decis sa o ajut.
- He He! Nu sunt singurul intarziat din orasul asta ! –Imi ziceam. Deodata, se ridica si imi spune pe un glas cald :
-Mersi, dar nu trebuia.
-Cum sa nu trebuiasca, nu puteam sa te las asa. Si, cu placere. Apropo, numele meu e Max.
-Kate, dragut nume.
-Si al tau. Deci…unde te grabesti asa ?
-La scoala, ciudat nu ?
-Foarte.Unde inveti?
-Eminescu .
-Si eu m-am transferat acolo.
-Tare.In ce clasa esti?
-7 A cica. Sper sa fie faini colegii.
-Unii sunt, altii nu. 
-De unde stii ?
-E clasa mea.
“Nici nu am inceput bine orele si am dat de o colega. Pare draguta” –Imi ziceam.
Intr-un final, vine si autobuzul, asa ca ne urcam si incepem sa palavragim pana ajungem la scoala, in fata laboratorului de biologie.
-Te previn, profa e naspa.Si, … vezi ca o sa sara fetele pe tine.
Auzeam de pe hol glasul profei:
-Copii, veti avea un coleg nou, nu stiu exact unde se afla, dar va veni el si va avea primul lui absent la Eminescu.
-Ai auzit ce a zis profa?
-Da'o naibii. Nu e primul meu absent.
-Ai inceput bine, insa o sa vezi ca e cam proasta.
Stam cateva minute sa ne tragem sufletul si intram. Toti isi intorc capul spre noi.
-Iatai si pe cei doi intarziati ...

Sursa: Real life.

duminică, 24 aprilie 2011

Help me ...

I have a question that's ruining my mind:
If I have no legs, you will remain as kind ?
If I had no eyes, you will help me when I'm blind ?
If I had no arms, you will help me when I want something to find ?
And ... I think you will do all of those for me,
I wanna find that day when I will see,
When we will go together to look at the sea.
I can't wait that day when we'll be free
Together,to watch the sunset, you and me.
I can't wait that day when I'll keep you in my arm,
Believe me sweetheart, you and me, we don't make any harm ...

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011


Iisus, al nostru Mantuitor
A inviat pentru al sau popor.
Pe cruce el a fost rastignit.
Pentru Mantuirea noastra el a patimit.
Crucea-n spate singur si-a carat-o,
Batista cu sange el a udat-o,
Fata cu sange ramas-a pe ea pictata,
A fost prima icoana descoperita vreodata.
A inviat a treia zi dupa scripturi,
Corpul sau n-a fost vatamat de rupturi.
Acum lumea se duce la biserica doar pentru " A lua Lumina"
Insa, Mantuitorul are nevoie de o carte plina.
Sa contina faptele, si chiar pacatele noastre.
Nu sunt doar ale noastre ... sunt si ale voastre.
Cu totii vom fi judecati la "Judecata de Apoi"
Cand Sfanta Treima se va pogori peste noi.
Pana atunci trebuie sa avem sufletul curat,
Sa-l tinem departe de orice pacat.
Un calduros "Hristos a Inviat !" va doresc.
Pentru atentia acordata va multumesc.

You Know

Do you know, Do you know
Every time I see you, my heart grows
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
I wanna kiss you, hold you in my arms every day.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
My feelings, my thoughts and my emotions have been arranged.

You know it's hard to say "I Like You"
You know it's difficult for me.
You know I'd rather say "I Love You"
Can you wait until you see ?

You know that your eyes are so magical.
You know you're heart is so divine.
The way I've met you it's illogical.
Baby, I'm so, so glad you're mine.

Because no one else would understand.
The way we love each other.
Would be missunderstand.
We don't wanna meet another.

joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Bloody Stars

Look up there
You'll gonna see
The nature's wonders.
You and me.

They're shining and glowing.
It seems like they'll
Come and hug you.
With that big wing.

Apparently the hug is warm,
But, suddenly, a wave of blood
Gets out of my injured arm
And splash all the people
With my life-giving fluid.

That was a port of the carnage,
Which I've suffered on the road, but
Don't worry, the heart hasn't suffered any damage.
So, lets go back to our very old ancestrals.
They're sad because it's the day of the funerals.
Believe me, it's not the most beautiful image.

joi, 14 aprilie 2011

Love is in the air ...

Love is in the air,
Let's play this game, but it's not fair.
Everywhere I look around,
I've searched my love, but I've not found.
Love is in the air,
I love the T-Shirt that you wear.
Every frighten, every sound,
You mean for me more than one pound.

You've always be my only love,
I'll treat you baby like a holy glove.
I'll always be your secret lover,
But always on undercover.
I'm scared to tell you what I feel.
I'll not try to take back the love that you steal.
I think that probably you'll get mad.
And that will make me really sad.

We talk to each other every day,
But I think this is not a very good way.
Because I'm rubbish at this kind of things.
Do you want me without "wings" ?

marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Say Goodbye

Hanging by a moment
As time slips away
Tell me was it worth it
Such a heavy price to pay
Give me a minute to say
What I've been meaning to say
Before you take those pictures off the wall

Wasn't born an angel
But I still try to fly
I've got this hole inside that nothing satisfies
I know I make my mistakes
I hope that heaven can't wait
So I can make things right before I go on

Trying living honest
But its hard for me to change
Caught up in the crosses,between the love and the hate
After the long nights away
When only memories remain
You're the only light that helped to lead me home

Is it wrong that were done with yesterday
Is it wrong that we wasted all this time
Is it wrong just to throw it all away
Is it wrong just to leave it all behind 

What will you remember, when I say goodbye
Doesn't really matter, what I leave behind
Cause nothing is forever.
Would you even care
If I say goodbye, If I say goodbye

luni, 11 aprilie 2011

Perfect ...

Look at her ...

A girl with brown eyes,
Common, this angel doesn't tell lies.
A girl with brown hair
When touched, the universe has no air.
A girl with cute cheeks,
A minute with her, for it's seems two weeks.
A girl with a lovely smile,
She dresses with cool style.
A girl with a never-seen-before face,
When you look at her, you're teleported to another place.

She always has a warm hand,
It's like caressing a fine sand.
She is the best hugger you've ever seen
And the most beautiful girl that has ever been.

duminică, 10 aprilie 2011

Hallow Man

Inchipuie-ti ca esti o fantoma ...

Ce ai vrea sa faci ?
Poate ai vrea sa visezi neincetat ?
Poate ai vrea sa fii nemuritor ?
Sa vezi cum incetul cu incetul,
Cu totii mor .
Poate ai vrea sa zbori ?
Sa ajungi la stele ,
Poate sa plutesti alaturi de ele ?
Dar insa,
Ceva ce niciodata nu vei putea face
Este sa iubesti.
Sa iubesti poti ... dar doar daca si ceilalti
Te iubesc pe tine.
Ceva magic la acest sentiment,
Este ca seamana cu o "rulete ruseasca".
Intr-o clipa poti sa pierzi totul.
Intr-alta poti sa castigi totul.
Dar niciodata nu poti sa prevezi
Ce se va intampla.

Dar tu ...
Tu ce-ai vrea sa faci ?

sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2011

A letter to the death ...

That's it. I'm giving up on life. From this very moment I will stop living. Do you wanna say something about this? You want ... but I don't let you know why I took this decision. It's hard to explain ... but here is a part of the story : The friends let me down and I'm feeling alone. Why would I want to live longer ? For what ? For more harm and stupidity ? No thanks. I hope you will understand, but if you not, that's it. It's your decision and I'll respect it, but remember a single thing : It will not bother me at all.
Before the end, I would like to thank you all for the trust and the support that you've offered me. It's not your fault .I've been a complete fool because I listen to their words. In this case "they" are the ones who seemed to be my friends but in the end I've realized that they aren't nothing, only stupid bitches. I am the guilty one. I am the one who didn't know how to take advantage of everything you've given to me.
I end this letter by saying the following words : "You are not alone" .
Good -Bye and have a nice life among the others of your kind !

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

Trista fericire

In zilele noastre, si-asa vai de ele,
Doar cei ce au bani catiga.
Toate rautatile din fotbal se petrec la liga.
Dar pff ... sunt doar parerile mele.

Taranii sunt slabi si saraci.
Tremura din dinti ca niste raci.
Animalele tipa de foame si sete.
Iar noi ne dam cu capul de perete.

Ei ne spun ca scoala-i necesara.
Iar noi ii ascultam. N-avem ce face
Procedam asa ca si atunci cand germanii si francezii au facut pace.
Saracii copii, invata seara de seara.

Examenele ... ce mai, lucruri banale ...
Elevii fac in ele doar chestii ilegale.
Sistemul scolar e la pamant,
Iar eforturile parintilor se duc in vant.

Cu toate astea, avem si noi faima noastra.
Stramosii nostri, Decebal si Traian,
Aveau razboaie cu inamicii in fiecare an.
Mereu vom fi cu un pas in urma voastra.

marți, 5 aprilie 2011

Flying dreams ...

I'm dreaming of that day
When the kids were smiling
I hope that day won't flew away
On a cloud. But look ! They're flying !

Dreams about a warm sea.
Dreams about a friendly sky.
Dreams about you and me.
Dreams about a friend goes by ...

But then it hits me.I realise that
The kids will never die,
And they're smile will never fade,
But they're soul will never pass away.
So, the dreams have their own meaning
But many people can understand that.

luni, 4 aprilie 2011

We'll be back ...

Ne scuzati pentru ca v-am lasat sa aspteptati atat ... dar au fost niste probleme tehnice(mai exact nu am avut inspiratie).Lucram la asta si speram ca in cateva zile sa venim cu cateva postari, zicem noi, frumoase pentru voi.

See you! zBye :)

miercuri, 30 martie 2011

The Love's Cloud

As vrea sa zbor pe-un nor,
Sa simt fericirea tuturor.
Oamenii plang, tac si rad.
Inlauntrul corpului de piatra,
Se ascunde un suflet plapand.
Fericirea lor arde ca-ntr-o vatra.
O vatra plina de foc si jaratic,
Lumina radiaza atat de enigmatic !

E simplu: durere si placere.
Toate conduc spre reinviere.
Noi traim, traim si ne trezim.
Ne vedem in fiecare zi, azi si maine.
Noi admiram. Noi iubim,
Noi murim, traim o viata de caine.
Caine, un caine mic si fericit,
Pe care toti la randul lor l-au iubit !

As vrea sa zbor pe-un nor,
Sa va simt inima si trupul tuturor.
Sa mergem cu totii acolo, sa fim
Pasnici, si vorbind, sa ne cunoastem.
Toata noaptea la stele sa privim, 
De la viata de zi cu zi sa ne abatem.
Vreau sa fiu, sa fiu o vara,
Ce te va surprinde in fiecare seara!

marți, 29 martie 2011

Stolen Love

Somebody stole my love.
Somebody stole my heart.
Somebody makes me fly on the sky and above.
Somebody stole my heart.
Somebody stole my smile.
Somebody stole my happiness.
It feels like somebody stole my "file".
But weird :It's not feel like loneliness.
Do you wanna know who?
The answer is simple: you.
You are the one I love.
You are the one I feel like here.
The feeling is good. No wonder ,
You are the one who make me kinder.

Shapes and Shadows

I'm sitting in my confortable chair.
Inside,it's full of warm air.
The fire is burning in the fireplace.
I'm drawing on a sheet your face.

 On the page are now just shadows,
I'm still writing for you this rows.
The pencil, now, has it's own mind
I still want a girl to find.

But that girl doesn't know
How my feelings, all the time float,
On the quiet sea of my brain
She's driving me all the time insane.

For her pretty face.

luni, 28 martie 2011

I'll be back ...

Stati aproape , voi ,(va dati seama ca vorbesc singur , pentru ca nimeni nu citeste acest blog) voi reveni in curand cu cateva creatii speciale pentru voi !!! Noapte buna si nu uitati , urmariti PRO FM!! :))))

Low Frequency

 My net frequency is somewhere low
And my head is gonna blow
The peoples are so stupid
And i'll gonna say :"Damn it!!

The soundbite is running low
I'm addicted to the radio flow
My friend ,he is singing something 
OK ... I don't understand nothing. :S

The Head-Phones are broken,
I'm writing this.Somebody had spoken
About a immaginary world.No way,
He couldn't say this.He's gay ! :))

In the end, I'm giving up writing
Because, I will start fighting
With my thought about you
Because you're the only one
Which I'm listening to ... :X


Music Everywhere

The music is in my soul 
I hear the sound of an owl
Who sings about love and pain
LOL ... it's sticked in my brain ...

The violins are singing,
A song of they're own.
The birds are flying,
The song will go on ...

Rock, Pop, Hip and Hop
The bass is like: Big Bop !
The musicians are many, but good
They're like a people's flood ...

duminică, 27 martie 2011


 Voi ce muzica ascultati ?

-Sunteti genul METAL ?
-Sunteti genul RAP/HIP-HOP?
-Sunteti genul POP-ROCK ?
-Sunteti genul POPULARA?
-Sunteti genul MANELE?

Hai ca sunt curios ... Vreau raspunsuri !!

The Death

Would you ever think for a second: If I die tomorrow?

Death is a sad reality in our perception. A reality that we do not like but, even so, it continues to exist and to mark our existence, we watched the corner, to threaten us in situations where life can no longer carry this continuously until that time, exist parallel to our lives and to take its place once life for various reasons (age, sickness, accident, etc..) no longer has the resources to continue.
What can we do when we realize that passes, that is parallel to the life and death that may at any time, whether we like it or not, in any case makes it impossible to continue life, we pass into the beyond, to cancel our existence perceptible and limited in this world, to separate us from our loved ones? We can abolish the cruel and unpleasant reality of death?
Last answer questions is simple: NO! We can not abolish the reality of death. Death is a condition that a given human life and believe that you can evida is perhaps one of the least wise ways of "dodging" in front of them.
But if we can not escape death, what can we do? How can we escape the horror that dominate our mind operates when the subject of this reality?

The answer may be multiple. A wise way of "avoiding" it is essential to consider your "check" the roots of your being. And what I mean by this? An Orthodox theologian, Dumitru Popescu, said the man with no roots in his book that human beings are deep roots in divinity, God, because human beings are God's image and even if modern society has forgotten this fact, it continues to exist whether we want or not. To check your roots means to analyze and tell you to yourself if your roots are planted in the Godhead and this also mean that your life is deified, like Eastern theology says about human beings are saved. And related to this, it is not religion, this really cold sometimes, even formal and impersonal. But I mean every human life at its actual state, mirror faced sincerity in relation to himself and God. In front of the mirror does not get away clean if you're simply not so, can you respond if your being roots are anchored in the Godhead, or if you just mimic the root. Because otherwise, without terrify anyone, but just try to realize, everyone will be accountable for the way beyond there - or not rooted in the Godhead, God.
What can we do in trying to "dodge" to the reality of death?
This time, though I consider fundamental ways to the reality beyond death, but just before the death, we choose to we go by the motto of a certain Gary Smalley, American writer and member of a Christian center in the U.S. which argues in his book - DNA relationships that "life is relationships, the rest are just details." What we understand from this statement? We understand the priority that we give relations as long as we live, how we exist on this earth, because it says everything in the book mentioned above, when someone is dying and it feels, does not want the bed of his immobility, the kicked off the countdown time, be made to its material achievements, medals or honors. That someone wants to see those relatives, those whom he loves very much, the ones with which to relate to that moment. And related to this famous actor, Florian Pitiş before his death, said: "I would like to tell you ... that you love more ... to cherish every moment as if it were the last ...". And how much substance can be found in these words!I conclude by quoting a line from the movie Gladiator, at one point, the beginning of the movie, before the start of the battle between Romans and barbarians someone says: "Everything we do in this life is echoed in the life of another."

Gone Forever

I'm walking,
Along the water
I'm crying 
But it doesn't matter.
I'm criyng for you,
Standing  alone,
I'm dying for you,
But no one ,no one...
Will you? Can you?
No... you can't,
But I need you,
But you can't...
So, please ...
Don't let me die
I'm begging you
Cuz' the end will came.Why
You brake my heart ?
Cuz' now you can't
Have me again
Good-bye my friend ! :X